Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does GYC have reciprocals?
No. As GYC is a virtual club, meeting at the Vancouver Maritime Museum, we do not own any docks or facilities. Therefore as we can't provide dock space, we don't get any reciprocals. However, this is the main reason our membership fees are so low.
We have several members who are in other clubs that do have reciprocals, and they joined GYC for the cruising and events.
2. Can I join with a power boat?
Not right away. GYC is a sailing club however we recognize that a member's needs change over time. If you have been a member for 5 years then you can switch from a sailboat to a power boat. Several people have done this and are valued members of the club.
3. What are the membership requirements?
You need to own a cruising sailboat and have piloted it across the Strait of Georgia and back with an overnight stop. Note: If you have not "Crossed the Strait" then you can join as an interim member for 1 year. We will be happy to assist in facilitating your crossing.